First off, I’d like to clarify one thing: other than Bacon, pecan pie is one of the very best foods ever… well, at least good for your soul. However, just before I cut into its nutty-buttery deliciousness I saw this tiny disclaimer on it:

May contain milk, nuts, peanuts, meat, wheat, and eggs

Nuts and peanuts? Well, had I known…? I just laughed. Honestly, if you have a severe allergy to any food product I highly doubt you’d be buying prepared foods. Same goes for lifestyle choices like vegetarianism. Made me think, though, that food and its shopping requirement isn’t any easier than managing IT. There is too much confusion out there on what’s available, what’s the right way to do *IT*, and what (exactly) do we need.

I vow to make 2013 easier. Taking a line from one of my favorite authors, Einstein, everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

What does this mean really? Why wouldn’t you want to make something simpler? Because, in IT, like in life, if it’s simpler than it really needs to be you’re likely to be missing something… and will have to do more later. In IT we call it the “Pay Now Or Pay Later” syndrome. You don’t have to do it all right now, but you will have to do it, and it will cost you more later. Same with life. Take health as an example… you can take care of yourself now, or have to pay more later with extra effort and (likely) more sacrifice.

I’m all for simplicity. There is this theory in which if something seems too complex it’s likely the one selling it doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I concur. That doesn’t mean every solution is simple enough for everyone to understand, it means that every solution needs to be as simple as possible (but not simpler.) We often go to the extreme, either too complex or too simple, because we don’t understand something. If would be foolish of me to conclude that anyone and everyone can create the best “simple as possible” solution. Not everyone can. But there in itself lies the solution: have experts do their job. Experts can create the best, most simple solution. If you’re creating or deciding on complex or over-simplified solutions then you do not have the right experts involved. They may very well be experts… just not the right experts.

Look to 2013 as the year you choose to keep things simple. No need to plug in your warning to every project, every initiative, every pie you make. Don’t buy pre-made if you have life/business threatening restrictions. Create and appreciate the simple, the solutions created by experts. Embrace and do things the right way… the first time.

About Elle Hunt

Coach and Consultant

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